Inventory Tracking
This hospitality business were having trouble with time consuming manual tracking of stock & maintenance activities across 300 rooms. Including regular items like soaps, coffee and tea, and materials required to fix issues like a leaking tap or broken light.
The existing process was managed on paper with job sheets & stock lists updated as each room was refreshed with stock each day. The administration team then reconciled the stock to purchase orders & manually wrote invoices for rooms owned by investor.
Automation of this process was the solution. A central excel workbook was created to store all stock used by the cleaning staff to record used items per room to be replaced.
The stock details including the price and supplier were recorded into the spreadsheet from which reports were run to generate purchase orders for replacement of any items that were running low on stock.
Time saved per month by the administration team. No more manual paper based reconciliation needed
Improved cashflow due to the automated generation of invoices for the investors.
Improved level of service for guests with the ability to maintain stock levels for all rooms consumables, cleaning and room maintenance.